We love to empower you

Ambivalence Coaching
supports one to work through an ambivalence, in other words, an important question, which expresses at the same time different positions and perspectives.
Burn-out Coaching
offers effective strategies for preventing, dealing and overcoming burnout.
Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy
delivers a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility during which positive suggestions and guided imagery are used to help one deal with a variety of concerns and issues.
is a psychodynamic approach in which techniques of group and family therapy are employed to resolve conflicts between various “ego states” that constitute a “family of self” within a single individual. by Woltemade Hartman, Watkins
Spiritual Healing
Vision Quest
is a rite-of-passage ceremony of certain Native American cultures and it gives one the opportunity to turn changes into sacred initiations: empowering, humbling, strengthening and enlightening.
Ritual work
Analysis of one’s own beliefs architecture
(Hawaiian wisdom of life)