Seminars and Individual Coaching / Therapy in Sardinia

01.09. - 07.10.2024

“Sardinia is out of time and history. This land resembles no other place. Sardinia is something else. Sardinia is another thing. Much wider, much more ordinary, not up-and-down at all, but running away into the distance. (…) This gives a sense of space, which is so lacking in Italy. Lovely space about one, and traveling distances – nothing finished, nothing final. It is like liberty itself, after the peaky confinement of Sicily. Room – give me room – give me room for my spirit: and you can have all the toppling crags of romance.”

– D. H. Lawrence, Sea and Sardinia, 1921

Dear Friends of the Alohana Institute,

We offer for the periods from 01.09. – 07.10.2024 again discovery trips to YOUR (inner) treasures & places of power in Sardinia!

Founded in 2007, the Alohana Institute can combine ancient knowledge of primitive peoples with modern forms of scientific therapy and make them usable for you. Knowledge that creates sustainability for our health in dealing with the soul, the body and our environment.

We are in places of power that resemble Stonehenge, but are 2.000 years older… And of course always on the turquoise seashore… in the wildest region of Sardinia, which is one of the “5 blue zones”, one of the 5 healthiest zones in the world… Only There are even just as many over 100-year-old men as women …

“Recharge your batteries and go new ways” (body, mind and spirit healing)

Our therapy, methods and Alohana Techniques:

  • Techniques from Huna (Hawaiian healing knowledge)
  • Ego-State therapy (Woltemade Hartman)
  • SOMA and Somatic Experiencing (Sonia Gomes / Peter Levine)
  • Clinical Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy (Gunther Schmidt)
  • Trance and Meditation (Alohana Tools)
  • Psychoanalysis (Freud-Lacan)
  • As additional offers: Hawaiian Bodywork / Hawaiian Temple Massage / Lomi Lomi

What you get:

  • Strengthen in unique and enchanting places in Sardinia
  • Hold your power and stabilize yourself in all situations
  • Clear your way for a fulfilling relationship
  • Get tools for everyday life: life becomes easier and clearer
  • Experience your consciousness & your unconscious as a team
  •  Use the body as a tool for inner cognition & healing
  • Increase your energy with protective & mindfulness exercises, presence & power training
  • Experience your soul with the body sensually through movement (sea & more) – for new ways
  • Being able to read and experience nature as a teacher for us and thus be in better contact with the environment for a new experience of unity & home, belonging & security

Tell us your wishes, we like to integrate it!

Our offers in Sardinia

You are welcome to participate individually, as a couple or as part of a group.
You can also participate on individual days or in several seminars (even partially).

1. Therapy

2. Coaching

3. Discovery Travel / Self-Experience

4. Professional training for doctors & Psychotherapists

5. Professional training for other professions

6. Training for companies (Executives / teams)

In both periods seminars are held for 4 days. The booking of several seminars or just single days or a single care is also possible.

Please contact us for individual desired dates, even for other months of the year.

Also “ – the virtual travel magazine” refers to our Sardinia seminars : Click here!

Here you can directly book flights to Sardinia:

Overview of all airlines flying to Sardinia – Click here!

Best search engine for the cheapest flight – Click here!

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