About Us


Become an Alohana Coach


Welcome to Alohana Institute, I’m Susanne Rikus Himmelreich

Owner/Founder, Executive Coach, Therapist

 I love to help you to be the best version of yourself and to achieve your highest goals.

 You are something special – you are a piece of art

We want to support you, to be the most successful being in love, in life.


With connecting to earth, we have more power and with connecting with our higher selves and the universe around us, we have this oneness feeling, that helps to lift up our trust in life and success follows.

During our entire coaching period you will develop the tools and the self-confidence to act.

My way of coaching is to enable you to become the leader you want to be.

To find your soul mate or to make your relationships more confident and exciting.

You are special, and sometimes we simply need to release our potential and focus on the version of you that you want to become.

Whether you have an existing business or an idea you want to bring to life, we will inspire you to take those steps.

Both of us are therapists in trauma healing, and with this pair of therapy and coaching we are happy to support you and make your life a wonderful experience.

Do you love to start your life new?

Letting go of obstacles in your life and creating a life you love.

We like to help you in this process.

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