Alohana Institute bridges old wisdom of cultures like Hawaii and Sardinia with new techniques in Coaching & Therapy & Spiritual Healing.
“We will accompany you in living your empowered mission and experiencing the greatest miracles of creation.
Be the architect of your own life.“
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Alohana Institute
To inspire you
Arndt Himmelreich
Susanne Rikus-Himmelreich
Non-medical practioner for psychotherapy
(according to the Alternative Medical Practitioners Act (Heilpraktikergesetz – HPG))
Family therapist and systemic therapist (IFW, Weinheim, Germany),
Psychoanalyst (school of Lacan, Paris, France)
Solution, resource & competence-oriented short term therapy
(Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg, Yvonne Dolan, USA)
Hypnotherapist (certified in clinical hypnosis)
(Gunther Schmidt, Milton-Erickson-Institute in Heidelberg, Germany)
Body-oriented ego state therapy (certified by „EST-Deutschland“)
(Woltemade Hartman, Milton-Erickson-Institute in South Africa, MEISA, and in Krefeld, Germany)
Body and trauma therapy SOMA (training certificate)
(Wiesbadener Trauma-Institute International – Sonia Gomes & Marcelo Muniz)
Traffic therapist (IVT-Hö, IPIP, EURAC- certified)
Founder & Leader of the Alohana Institute
Non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy
(according to the Alternative Medical Practitioners Act (Heilpraktikergesetz – HPG))
Hypnotherapy (trained in clinical hypnosis)
(Gunther Schmidt, Milton-Erickson-Institute in Heidelberg, Germany)
Body-oriented ego state therapy (advanced training 2009 – 2016)
(Woltemade Hartman, Milton-Erickson-Institute in South Africa, MEISA, and in Krefeld, Germany)
Body and trauma therapy SOMA (training certificate)
(Wiesbadener Trauma-Institute International – Sonia Gomes & Marcelo Muniz)
Traffic therapist (IVT-Hö, EURAC-certified)
Personal coach, love coach
Hawaiian geomancy & Hawaiian body work & Feng Shui
(studies in Hawaii about Huna & training in LOMI LOMI massage since 1998)
Graduate engineer for architecture (FH)
Freelance artist since 1994 (culture prize in painting)
Our story
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