Basic Seminar/Body & Mind

Basic Seminar/Body & Mind can be booked without previous knowledge

B1 - B4, duration of each seminar is 2 days, duration of the entire unit is 8 days

B1 RED Embodiment-Body Awareness-Spirit and soul-Meditation-Practices to hold power-Mana-Accumulation of energy

The goal of this course/seminar is to teach to hold your own power and find stability in all aspects of life. It gives you tools for balancing your emotions and integrity in life.

B2 YELLOW Heart-Space-Meditation-Work with an inner child,-Vision quest

In this course you will learn to access your own soul and to communicate with your unconsciousness. People who lost their unity with life can get more contact to themselves and find joy in life.

Wailua Kauai (2)

B3 BLUE Spirit, Beliefs – Huna-”7 principles of manifestation”

This course will help you to find access, manifest and shape your life. You are the architect of your own life!

B4 PURPLE Lows of energy-Structure of spiritual world-Person and aura-Clearance of the levels in work with clients

Especially people who work in consulting/coaching will learn to use more their own vitality through knowledge of the lows of energy and principles of creation.

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