Empower yourself, trust and design your life new.

The Alohana training system is divided in four levels

(click on each level for more information)

Here you can decide what do you want to be in the future. we did some different trainings for you.

With booking the basics you get a very good foundation and you can decide if you want to be an Alohana Coach or an Energy-Coach or you want to focus to get more about the Ego State practice, that can benefit a lot specially in Coaching.

For all Hawaiian lovers, the Hawaiian training is designed, that you get the exercises, but more important you get the connection, all is not about the tools, it is about our gratitude and how we lock in creation.

I am happy to answer your questions.

Love and light


Here you get get the seminars to become an Alohana Coach.

1. B
Basic Seminar

2. A Advanced Seminar

3. M
Master Seminar

4. T Teacher

With this you become what you like to become – a healer, a coach, getting more joy and trust in life.

Alohana Coach

Coaching in therapy and practice, B1 ,B2 ,B3 ,B4 ,A1 ,A2 ,M (25 days plus 25 individual therapy hours self-experience)

Alohana Coach

Holistic coaching, Alohana teacher B1,B2 ,B3 ,B4, A1, A2, M, T (34 days plus 50 E self experience)

Ego State Alohana Coach

* Ego State Alohana Coach *Hypnosis coach, trance, B1, B2, B3, B4, A3 16 days


B1, B2, A1 Duration: 8 days a 6 UStd.

Alohana Hawaii Healer​

Huna, hoòponopono, Hawaiian massage, B1, B2, B3, B4, M 17 days


Soma- Alohana * Body-Oriented Psychotherapy, Trauma * B1 ,B2 ,B3 ,B4 ,A2 12 days

Mediation teacher

* B1,B2,B3,B4,T 17 days


spatial energetics, geomancy, natural therapy B1,B2 ,B4 ,A1 15 days

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